Real Time reports
Get real time reports on your employee data 24 by 7 to assess your people and processes. Understand the lags and the reasons behind, optimize before it gets late.
Custom reports
Customize the data to generate insighful reports on how your people and processes have been performing and pre plan activities smartly.
CSV downloads
Download real time, customized reports in CSV format instantly to generate meaningful human readable reports that will open in any spreadsheet program installed in your system.
Charts and graphs
Condense your large amount of information into easy-to-understand charts and graphical formats to clearly and effectively communicate important points via visual illustrations.

Improve decision-making and efficiency in the organization
Without an effective reporting system, managers often rely on their experience alone and employees don’t get a clear sense of direction. Hawk HR provides huge set of functional reports/ information that helps reduce uncertainty and lets managers make decisions based on reliable data.
Hawk HR not only promotes cross-functional cooperation across departments, but also helps decrease any duplicate efforts among team members.
Hawk HR's advance analytics/ reports also save employees countless hours of sifting through piles of worksheets in search for data and results. Employees are more productive because they don’t have to spend time gathering the data that management wants, allowing them to tackle other items on their to-do list.
Establish preventive actions by avoiding potential problems early
Hawk HR provides detailed insights on people and processes and helps find the root cause of delays/ process lags and acts as a preventative measure to help management achieve maximum effectiveness before people/ processes reach crisis level.
Hawk HR also helps management to explore various alternatives and analyze the possible results before making decisions and commitments.